VASERshape™ Smooths Away Cellulite and Fat

VaserShape and woman's shapely backside in black underwear

Many patients are frustrated with trouble spots that seem unresponsive to diet and exercise, but non-invasive VASERshape™ offers a safe and effective alternative to surgical intervention. This innovative treatment uses ultrasound technology and lymphatic massage to help you slim and smooth your thighs, buttocks, abdomen, and other areas. You can learn whether VASERshape™ is right for you during an appointment at our New Orleans, LA-area practice. Dr. Benjamin Boudreaux and Dr. Jeffrey Claiborne provide patients with the latest options to increase confidence in their appearance and promote a youthful glow. To schedule a consultation at Northshore Plastic Surgery, contact us today.

What is VASERshape™ ?

VASERshape™ is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to help patients reduce the appearance of cellulite and fat in targeted areas. Even patients who eat right and exercise regularly can be bothered by these common concerns. Many are unhappy with dimpled areas on the thighs, abdomen, arms, and buttocks, and are interested in reducing inches as well. After a series of three to five treatments with VASERshape,™ bumpy areas are smoothed and re-contoured, and an overall reduction of fat can be seen.

The innovative VASERshape™ device delivers a double beam of low-frequency sound waves to treatment areas. This ultrasound diathermy is a form of heat therapy, treating unwanted fat located a few centimeters below the skin’s surface. During the course of treatment, the fat will begin to release from adipose cells. Then, a vacuum-assisted zonal massage is performed to help the lymphatic system drain the fat, allowing the body to metabolize unwanted fluid. This massage technique helps the lymphatic system naturally rid the body of toxins and bacteria, while also encouraging blood blow to promote healing.

Effective Long-lasting Treatment

VASERshape™ can treat a variety of body types, but it will achieve the best results for patients at or close to their target weight. After several treatments, skin looks noticeably smoother and firmer, with fewer lumps and bumps. A decrease in overall circumference is consistently observed, showing evidence of shrunken fat cells. The results are often visible as soon as the first treatment.

The treatment is considered temporary, but results can last from several months to a year, with some reports of sustained improvement lasting even longer. Some patients opt to come in for occasional touch-up treatments, but staying well hydrated and maintaining a healthy lifestyle also contributes to patient satisfaction.

The VASERshape™ experience is completely safe and relaxing, and typically involves little to no discomfort. Some patients describe the sensation as similar to receiving a hot stone massage. There are no side effects and no downtime. Total treatment time is 45 minutes to an hour, with appointments spaced about a week apart until the desired results are achieved.

Your VASERshape™ Consultation

Non-surgical alternatives to liposuction are allowing more and more patients to trim and tone problem areas. Dedicated and personable, Dr. Boudreaux and Dr. Claiborne take a genuine interest in their patients' aesthetic goals and overall health. To learn more about whether VASERshape™ can benefit you, please contact our office today and set up your personal consultation with Dr. Boudreaux and Dr. Claiborne.

Our Doctors

Northshore Plastic Surgery

Dr. Boudreaux and Dr. Claiborne are committed to providing the very highest standard of care with a friendly, down-to-earth approach. Northshore Plastic Surgery has been voted a top doctor on the Northshore, New Orleans and is affiliated with prestigious organizations, including:

  • American Society of Plastic Surgeons®
  • American Board of Plastic Surgery®
  • The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery®

To set up your consultation, call (985) 237-6050 or use our simple online form

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"I couldn’t be happier with my decision to have my procedure with Dr. Claiborne. Because of Dr. Claiborne’s artistic vision and meticulous attention to detail my results have far exceeded any expectations. I am truly grateful to him for this life changing experience."

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