NorthShore Plastic Surgery LLC

What to Expect from Your Arm Lift Recovery - And How Your Scars Will Heal

Oct 28, 2014 @ 11:57 AM — by Benjamin J Boudreaux M.D.
Tagged with: Arm Lift Liposuction Plastic Surgery

Before our New Orleans patients decide on any surgery, we encourage them to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the potential procedure. After all, the most satisfied patients are those who fully understand what to expect, and have made an informed decision regarding treatment. This also means knowing what to expect throughout the recovery period afterward, including any scars that are likely to remain indefinitely.

When it comes to an arm lift, many patients see a clear benefit: slimmer, well defined arms that better complement the body. But before deciding to undergo arm lift surgery, familiarize yourself with the recovery and its common side effects. While the results may still be worth it in the long run, take a moment to form accurate expectations about the post-surgical healing process. 

Side Effects during Recovery

Immediately after surgery, the upper arms will be wrapped in bandages, and a compression garment will further cover the area to prevent infection and promote efficient healing. Small drainage tubes may also be inserted temporarily to reduce fluid build-up, which will be removed in the following day or two. If bleeding persists past the first day, contact your doctor for additional instructions.

As you head into the early stages of recovery, you can expect a few common side effects from surgery, namely:

How Long Does Recovery Last?

Everyone takes different lengths of time to recover after surgery. Depending on one’s body type, health, and surgical technique used, the bulk of healing may take anywhere from one to three weeks. In many cases, patients are able to resume most of their daily activities within the first week, assuming they are not partaking in any strenuous activities or exercise. For smaller procedures and relatively fast healers, exercises may be resumed within two weeks.

Of course, even if the incisions are healed and patients feel well, that does not mean the body has completely recovered. Swelling will continue to go down and scars become less visible in the following weeks and months, leading to better aesthetic results. In general, patients are advised to withhold judgment of their results for at least the first month, as their arms’ muscle, fat, and skin gradually improve in appearance.

What About Scarring?

Scarring is a worthwhile consideration for patients, especially since the procedure is meant for cosmetic improvement. Admittedly, all arm lifts leave some visible scarring, so the real question is where this scarring is limited to and how well a patient recovers from it. First, patients should consider their own history with scarring; if someone has a history of hypertrophic or keloid scarring, the results may not be worth it. Conversely, patients with healthy skin whose past scars are barely visible are excellent candidates. 

Next, patients should consider the type of arm lift they plan to undergo, as the location and length of the incision are key factors:

Is an Arm Lift Right for You?

Any body contouring procedure should be carefully scrutinized with the input and assistance of an experienced plastic surgeon. To learn whether an arm lift or alternative procedure is well suited for your cosmetic goals, schedule a consultation with Dr. Boudreaux today